A founding ceremony for a special committee – for logistics big data at the National Technical Standard Innovation Base of Guiyang Big Data – took place on Sept 25, according to local media reports.
Guiyang Economic and Technological Development Zone (GETDZ) in Guiyang, capital of southwestern Guizhou province, published its action plan to speed up its dynamic opening up process on Sept 27, local officials said.
Guiyang Economic and Technology Development Zone (GETDZ) in Guiyang, the capital of Southwest China's Guizhou province, held a chorus competition at the Guizhou Aviation Vocational and Technical College in GETDZ on Sept 27, marking the approaching 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.
The Guiyang Economic and Technological Development Zone (GETDZ) in Guiyang city, capital of southwestern Guizhou province, recently made a move to help lift the poorest in Ziyun county out of poverty.
Over 50 local enterprises' representatives and 50 teachers and students from Guiyang Aeronautic Polytechnic were invited to participate an open day activity showcasing the company's quality control at Guizhou Yudie Electric Co Ltd on Sept 12, according to local officials.
The Guiyang Economic and Technological Development Zone in Guiyang city signed cooperation agreement with a bank and guarantee companies on Sept 11 -- aiming to provide one-stop financial services such as loans, venture capital and intermediary services for businesses locating there.
The Guiyang Economic and Technological Development Zone, located in the capital city of southwestern Guizhou province, signed five projects at a signing ceremony of the promotional conference for Guiyang development zones held in the GETDZ on Sept 9.